
Design work

Commissions in LDC countries

Training and consulting

Prizes and Awards

About Birgit


About Birgit

Högre Konstindustriella Skolan, HKS
(University College of Arts, Crafts and Design)
Stockholm, Sweden
Master Degree

(School of Industrial Design)
Stockholm, Sweden
Discipline: Textile

Language Skills
Swedish – mother tongue
English – fluent
French – workning knowledge
German – working knowledge

Key Qualifications
Designer SID. Production development in textiles, toys, carpets, leisure items, leather, fashion. Design management, training and marketing. Through working experience from Asia, including India and Sri Lanka.

Country Working Experience
Belgium, Costa Rica, India, Italy, Japan, Pakistan, Portugal, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Tanzania, Thailand, (former) Yugoslavia and USA.

Membership of Professional Bodies
Swedish Industrial Designers (SID)